Osu! API

Peppy, being the hero that he is, exposes a web API for making queries about osu!. Slider provides a Python interface to this web API through a Client object. The client knows how to format messages to send to the osu! API and knows how to parse the results returned. It will also attempt to do argument validation client side to avoid making a bad web request.

User Information

The Client can fetch user information with the user() method. This method can look up a user by either username or user id. It will explicitly tell the osu! server which identifier you are using to avoid ambiguity. The method also accepts the game mode to fetch information about.

High Scores

If we already have a User object, we can request their high scores with the high_scores() method. This will return a list of HighScore objects which has metadata about the play like which map it was and the hit counts. Right now there is no way to recover the Replay object from the HighScore.

If we do not yet have a User object, we can request the high scores directly with user_best(). This takes the user identifier and game mode but just directly returns the list of HighScore objects. This method is more efficient if you only want to get the high scores for a user.


The osu! API allows us to query for beatmaps themselves. Slider exposes this through the beatmap() method. This method can either be used to look up a single beatmap by id or md5 hash, or to fetch maps in bulk by date ranked.


When fetching maps in bulk, we can only get 500 results at a time.

When we get results from the beatmap() method, they are returned as BeatmapResult objects instead of the normal slider.beatmap.Beatmap. The BeatmapResult object holds the extra information about a map which is only available through the client, for example: the pass and play counts.

The Beatmap can be fetched from the BeatmapResult object with the beatmap() method. This can be passed save=True to save the downloaded .osu file into the Library.