Writing a New Function in C

Let’s begin with a simple C function to compute Fibonacci numbers:

static unsigned long
cfib(unsigned long n)
    unsigned long a = 1;
    unsigned long b = 1;
    unsigned long c;

    if (n <= 1) {
        return 1;

    while (--n > 1) {
        c = a + b;
        a = b;
        b = c;

    return b;

Now that we have a a C function we need to provide a way to convert our PyObject*s to and from C unsigned long objects to invoke this from Python.


It is important to declare all functions as static. This is normally good practice in C but it is especially important when linking with CPython which is a very large project. We don’t want to pollute the namespace.


Python int objects are concretely typed as a PyLongObject.


Python int objects are called PyLongObject in the C API as a holdover from when int and long were different in Python 2. In Python 3: int is arbitrarily sized like the old Python 2 long.

Adapting Long Objects

For many primitive C types, CPython provides functions to convert to and from Python objects. For unsigned long, we can use PyLong_FromUnsignedLong() and PyLong_AsUnsignedLong() to convert to and from C unsigned long objects.

We can then write a wrapping function to do this conversion for us:

static PyObject*
pyfib(PyObject* self, PyObject* n)
    unsigned long as_unsigned_long = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(n);
    PyObject *result = PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(cfib(as_unsigned));
    return result;

The wrapping function needs a PyObject* self argument. This is a requirement for all functions and methods in the C API. The second argument PyObject* n is the input we want to receive from the Python caller.


Right now we are ignoring the fact that n might not actually be a PyLongObject*. We will get to error handling later.

Creating a Python Callable Object

Given our wrapping function, we still need a way to pass the function to Python to be called. To do this, we need to associate some extra metadata with our C function. This metadata is stored along with the function in a PyMethodDef structure.

This structure defines the name of the function as it will appear in Python, the pointer to the C implementation, information about how to invoke the function, and finally the docstring.

A PyMethodDef for our pyfib function looks like:

PyDOC_STRVAR(fib_doc, "computes the nth Fibonacci number);
PyMethodDef fib_method = {
    "fib",                /* The name as a C string. */
    (PyCFunction) pyfib,  /* The C function to invoke. */
    METH_O,               /* Flags telling Python how to invoke ``pyfib`` */
    fib_doc,              /* The docstring as a C string. */


We don’t just use a normal const char* for the docstring because CPython can be compiled to not include docstrings. This is useful on platforms with less available RAM. To properly respect this compile time option we wrap all docstrings in the PyDoc_STRVAR() macro.


For our function we only accept a single argument as a PyObject* so we can use the METH_O flag. For a list of the available flags see: PyMethodDef.ml_flags.

Creating a Python Module

The last thing we need to do to export our fib function to Python is put it in a module to be imported. Like a PyMethodDef, a PyModuleDef is some metadata which describes a Python module object.

PyMethodDef methods[] = {
    {"fib", (PyCFunction) pyfib, METH_O, fib_doc},

PyDoc_STRVAR(fib_module_doc, "provides a Fibonacci function");

PyModuleDef fib_module = {

The module initialization always starts with PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT to setup the part of the PyModuleDef which is managed by CPython.

Next is the name of the module as a C string.

After the name is the module’s docstring. Like in a PyMethodDef, we need to use PyDoc_STRVAR() to define the docstring so that it can be disabled at compile time.

The -1 is the size of the module’s global state. For our simple fib module we don’t have any state so this can be set to -1.

Next is a NULL terminated array of methods to put at module scope in this module. We have created an array with just our pyfib function, but we could include more than one function if we needed to.

Finally we have a bunch of function pointers for managing the module’s global state. When we don’t have any state (the size if -1), we can set these all to NULL.

Making The Shared Object Importable

With our function and module defined, we need to tell CPython how to import our module. To do that we need to define a single function with type PyMODINIT_FUNC named PyInit_{name} where name is the name of our module.

This function will be executed the first time someone writes import fib.fib from python. This can be thought of as the code that runs at “module scope” in a normal Python file.

At the end of our function we need to return the newly created module. To actually create a PyObject* from a PyModule_Def we can use PyModule_Create().

An example PyMODINIT_FUNC for our fib module looks like:

    return PyModule_Create(&fib_module);